You'll be salaried unless you're in the call center. The job is very monotonous for the most part so once you get the hang of how to process a claim, they're all very similar. The things you have to deal with is not worth it. I ain't never heard of nothing like that. They said it was because there was not enough PTO to cover it. That said I did a no call no show when I put in for my days off. That's another score, then occurrence, you get 8 points in a year. You get audited 2 calls a month, you have to make a certain score of being on time and clocking in and out. They rules for the call center is ridiculous. You will lose your mind trying to figure it out. So if you mess up, in any shape or form, you get reprimanded immediately. It's so much information on how to file the claims, they don't teach how to really be on top of your adherence and occurrence. No one is coming off the overnight shifts, because they are slow. The better you perform, the more likely you will get the shift you want. You have to bid on them, no matter your availability, you get what you get.